Written by Natalie Holton
‘I’m writing a blog post for a company that makes sustainable disposal bags for pads and tampons, I say. Sitting around the lunch table is my extended family: aunts, uncles, cousins, all suddenly silent. I feel myself start to blush. I’d made things uncomfortable, mentioned the unmentionable — tampons! periods!— and at a meal time!
Ouch. I’d broken a taboo and I knew it. Here are six period taboos.
The naming taboo
‘That time of the month’, ‘Aunt Flo’, ’mother Nature’, ‘the curse’. We avoid uttering the word ‘period’. Refusing to call something by its name just reinforces the idea that it shouldn’t be talked about. Let’s say it how it is: period!

The blood taboo
I hadn’t seen period blood until I had my first period. Stylized diagrams showing red droplets? Yes. Photographs of blue liquid falling onto a white pad? Yes. But actual blood? No.
It’s no big deal when movies show blood spurting from every other part of our bodies, but period blood is far too horrifying to show on screen. No wonder we’re often shocked and disgusted by seeing period blood in real life. All of us, men and women, will come across period blood sooner or later. There should be no shock and no shame.

The pain taboo
If you need a few tips and tricks for coping with period pain, here is our Ultimate Guide.
The solutions taboo
The myth-busting taboo
The period-footprint taboo