Only a Woman? It's National Business Women's Week
You've heard of a face that only a mother could love, but are there businesses that only a woman could launch? In the case of FabLittleBag, the light bulb moment was perhaps only ever going to be had by a woman. Founder Martha Silcott had her inspiration in the bathroom, faced with every woman's unpleasant dilemma: what to do with a used tampon? Flushing causes blockages and pollution, but leaving asodden bundle in your bin (or worse, someone else's bin) has never been appealing. It took a woman to solve a woman's problem, plus a lot of drive to get the product patented, produced and onto the shelves of Waitrose. And women everywhere who now have a handy, hygienic disposal method salute her! In honour of National Business Women's Week (16 - 22 October 2016), we're showcasing some other fabfemale entrepreneurs who have crossed our path. Get ready for some #girlpower!
picked eco fabrics and haberdashery. Rebecca Newenhamset Get Ahead up 6 years ago to offer flexible VA support. They're the perfect solution for any growing business and herteam benefits from interesting work, all carried out remotely. Know any more wonderwomen? Let us know! Watch FabLittleBag in action... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5RTMHqmemY Want to get your mitts on some FabLittleBags for free? Text 2FAB to 88802, along with your name & address, and we'll pop some in the post to you! (UK only. We always protect your personal data). You can stock up at Waitrose,Ocado,Whole Foods Market, Amazon,Ethical Superstore,Natural Collection,Spirit of Nature,TOTM (Time of the Month)and of course right here on our website. Happy fabbing.